Southern Vermont Astronomy Center


A committee has been formed with the architecture office of CV A PLLC, to create a proposal for a project that could be built here in Chester, Vermont. The concept is to take advantage of geographic location and dark skies in order to develop an astronomy center which would engage in public outreach and STEM education support for area schools. It would also function as a research and training platform, also also help strengthen the Town’s economy.

The project is now in its formative stages. We are working with advisory parties locally and around the country in its development. Then, the committee will solicit additional community input and feedback, and seek funding to perform a Feasibility Study. This Study would define the project in greater detail and, with that in hand, future funding would be sought at the State level, and from private sources, for design, construction and commencement of the center’s programs.

Your input and feedback are welcome on this website — .


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Steering Committee
Southern Vermont Astronomy Center